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Working with the Calendar Standard

In some of the examples seen in this guide, you can see that some of the days (in this case Saturday and Sunday) in the sticky-note zone have some light yellow shading. This has been achieved using the calendar editor.

Toolbar Calendar

To edit the calendar, just de-select any days that are no standard working days and click Save.

Non-Working Days Advanced

If you've subscribed to the Advanced Plan you'll be able to manage non-working days such as national holidays in your project.

Toolbar Calendar

The actions performed by each button are listed below.

Note MenuEdit: Use this to edit the non-working day. You can change the name and date.
Note MenuDelete day: This button deletes the non-working day.
Note MenuAdd single: Use this to add a single non-working day.
Note MenuAdd multiple: Use this to easily paste in a number of non-working days in one go (e.g. from a spreadsheet).