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Linking Tasks Standard

When clicking either the Add Predecessor Task or Add Successor Task button you'll see three options:

  • Link to a new task
  • Link to an existing task
  • Manage links for this task

Linking a new task

Use this option to create a new task and link it to the existing task.

Link Existing Task

1. Resource

The resource for this new task can be chosen from the drop down. If the resource is owned by a project member you'll see their profile photo here too.

2. Name

As you change the name you'll see the name reflected in the link type editor below.

3. Days

Use this to estimate the number of days the task will take to perform.

This panel allows you to check how the first task relates to the second.

Start After/Finish Before

The link type defaults to Start After so that the second task can start as soon as the first task is finished.

Start Together

By clicking the Start Together button the second task will scheduled to start at the same time as the first.

Finish Together

By clicking the Finish Together button the second task will be scheduled to finish at the same time as the first.

5. Lead or Lag

Use the radio button to indicate that the relationship between the tasks has lead (allowing a level of overlap to occur when take tasks are scheduled) or lag (delaying the start of one task in relation to the other).

Linking an existing task

To link an existing task, just click the plus button next to the task you want to link.

Link Existing Task

If your board has a large number of tasks, you can track down the task you're after by:

  • Searching for the task by a word in it's name
  • Limiting the search for those tasks for a particular resource.

If you'd like to extend the list of tasks to those found in other boards, tick the Show tasks from other levels of the project option.

There are two ways to manage existing links:

  • Remove the link
  • Edit the link

Link Management

To remove an existing link, just click the red cross button next to the link you want to remove.

Click the pencil button to open the edit link screen.

Link Editing

Here you can change the type of link used and also the amount of lead or lag.